- ASCII-EBCDIC Conversion Table
- Adobe’s Acrobat Reader
- Arachnophilia
- Auto Scroll Chrome Extension – “Are you tired of mechanical scrolling slavery? We know how annoying and tiring it is. Let’s end this boring routine by adding this extension within seconds. It perfectly fits social reading like Facebook, Pinterest, news or even books! Working or busy hands? In front of TV? Party?! We will leave it for you and your colorful imagination.”
- Boibot – “For all those times when you have felt lonely and have been unable to express yourself to your friends or if you don’t actually have any close friends, artificial intelligence is here for you. Biobot is an AI program that has been designed for one sole purpose only: interacting with humans. Biobot is a male AI while Eviebot is a female AI.”
- BitDegree Learn: HTML – Learn the HyperText Markup Language responsible for the aesthetic appeal of a website, including its font, type, and background otherwise known as HTML.
- Boost SEO Free Tools – 100% Free SEO Tools – “Boost SEO Free SEO Tools is a bundled collection of best Free SEO tools for your website. We offer all for free of charge, Such as XML Sitemap Generator, Plagiarism Checker, Article Rewriter and more.”
- Browser Archive – Download archive of more than 80 Web browsers (including past versions). Intended as a resource for Web developers who need to test their sites against specific browser versions.
- Bot Sentinel – Bot Sentinel was created to diminish the effectiveness of propaganda bot/troll accounts that infest Twitter. Twitter users should be able to engage in healthy online discourse without foreign countries and organized groups manipulating the conversation.
- Caligari Home World – VRML Software
- CGI Resource Index, The – Over 2,000 CGI related resources in more than 200 categories.
- CMx – Contract Management Experience – “Best Contract Management software for small,medium and large businesses to minimize legal risks, improve procurement process and streamline relationships.”
- CNET Download.com – “Find the software you’re looking for at CNET Download.com, the most comprehensive source for free-to-try software downloads on the Web.”
- Computer Hope: How do I clear my Internet browser history? – “As you browse the Internet, everything you view is saved to the cache on your computer. Using cache helps everything load faster because data comes from your hard drive instead of a server in a different part of the world. To conserve hard drive space or keep your browsing private, you can clear or delete the history (cache). Select the your Internet browser from the following list to get started.”
- Curotec Web Development – “Curotec is a highly skilled web development and web/mobile application design firm that specializes in technology services, ecommerce and internet security.”
- Cut-N-Paste JavaScript
- Develoyyper Shed
- Device42: Data Center and Network Management – “Device42 is a comprehensive data center and network management software. Loved by organizations around the world for its open APIs and ease of use.”
- Dr. Dobb’s Journal – “Popular Programming Journal”
- DriverGuide.com
- Easter Egg Archive, The
- Egghead Software Home Page
- eXo Platform – “eXo Platform is an enterprise social collaboration platform, intended for all size companies, to enhance team work and productivity.”
- Facebook: 2018 Year in Review – “As the year comes to a close, we remember what was on our minds in 2015, and the difference we made by coming together. Take a look back at the most talked-about topics of the year on Facebook.”
- File Formats – A list by WhatIs.com of file name extensions or suffixes that indicate the format or usage of a file and a brief description of that format.
- FilesRiver – “We list only free, freeware and open source software applications. Our focus is to select quality apps that successfully solves the main task for end user.”
- FotoJet – “FotoJet is a free online photo editor, collage maker and graphic designer that allows you to edit photos and create collages and designs easily. Try it now!”
- Guru99 – “Here you learn by practice. We make tons of efforts to take boredom out of learning and make education a fun experience. Inside, you will find tons of video tutorials. All provided FREE!”
- Halite – “Halite is an artificial intelligence challenge, created by Two Sigma. Participants write bots using the programming language of their choice to compete in an original online multiplayer game.”
- How to Fix Not Working Problems
- JavaScript Source, The
- JavaWorld
- Jumbo – “Extensive Collection of Freeware and Shareware”
- Lyrnai – “LyrnAI is a platform where people can publish summaries of recent machine learning papers, allowing more people to read and learn about the developments in the ai world. Lyrnai Summaries the latest research in Deep Learning.”
- LinuxPlanet
- Linux Resources: Refdesk
- McAfee Home Page
- MacSurfer’s Headline News
- MacTech Magazine
- MacWorld Online
- Matt’s CGI Script Archive
- Micro2000 – A software developer dedicated to hardware diagnostics designed to troubleshoot PC’s at a hardware level.
- Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
- Microsoft Home Page
- MPEG Pointers and Resources
- Object-Oriented Software – “Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming language model organized around objects rather than ‘actions’ and data rather than logic. Historically, a program has been viewed as a logical procedure that takes input data, processes it, and produces output data.”
- PC-Software.com – “PC Software: best and safe free pc software downloads!”
- Paint Shop Pro 5 – Introduction – tutorial for this popular graphics editor.
- Parenteeno – “Internet can be a very dangerous place for your kids to be all alone. Parenteeno gives you peace of mind by monitoring your child online for you. Parenteeno – Simple and smart parental monitoring software.”
- Perl Programming Language Home Page – “The Perl Programming Language at Perl.org. Links and other helpful resources for new and experienced Perl programmers.”
- Persistence of Vision – Ray Tracer
- Pkware
- PowerPoint in the Classroom – Written for K-12 students, this tutorial covers all the basics and more of using the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software. This Microsoft-related site also includes tutorials on other Microsoft programs such as the e-mail software program Outlook Express, the Web browser Internet Explorer 4, and the Web site editor.
- Programmer’s Heaven – over 9579 files and 2633 links.
- Quicken Financial Network
- Random.org – “RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs. People use RANDOM.ORG for holding drawings, lotteries and sweepstakes, to drive online games, for scientific applications and for art and music.”
- Signal – Signal is a cross-platform encrypted messaging service. Signal messages and calls are always end-to-end encrypted and painstakingly engineered to keep your communication safe. They can’t read your messages or see your calls, and no one else can either.
- Screen Savers for Windows From A-Z and Windows Wallpaper
- Screen Saver Haven – “Featuring the largest collection of screen savers available on the Internet!
- Shareware Music Machine
- SQL Murder Mystery – “There’s been a Murder in SQL City! The SQL Murder Mystery is designed to be both a self-directed lesson to learn SQL concepts and commands and a fun game for experienced SQL users to solve an intriguing crime.”
- SmartDraw Software – “Best Graphics Program at the 1995 Shareware Industry Awards”
- SourceForge.net – “SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory.”
- Spreadsheeto – “Check out our updated blog posts about Microsoft Excel. All tutorials are updated for Excel 2016, contain free exercise files and videos. Check it out!”
- TechSpectacle – “Techspectacle is a site that offers guides to help people chose the best laptop for their needs based on a price range. We also offer how-to guides on how to do certain tech tasks.”
- TTR Data Recovery – “Welcome to TTR Data Recovery! We are America’s leading data recovery company. With the best team of data recovery engineers in the industry, TTR specializes in helping businesses and individuals recover data from all kinds of electronic media. Whether you need to recover data from a failed hard drive, laptop, tape, flash drive, memory card or RAID, TTR can help! Don’t wait to recover your lost data.”
- Tucows Internet Software
- VirtualDr – Drivers
- Voxware
- Whatsapp Status Bay – “Looking for some unique, latest and best whatsapp status quotes? Check out Whatsapp Status Bay, the only website about Whatsapp status quotes.”
- WinZip
- WitBlade SEO – “Based out of Philadelphia, WitBlade is a search engine optimization and internet advertising consultant that specializes in helping you maintain a highly functioning website that is friendly to users and search visitors.”
DataCamp – The skills people and businesses need to succeed are changing. No matter where you are in your career or what field you work in, you will need to understand the language of data. With DataCamp, you learn data science today and apply it tomorrow. DataCamp offers interactive R, Python, Sheets, SQL and shell courses. All on topics in data science, statistics and machine learning. Learn from a team of expert teachers in the comfort of your browser with video lessons and fun coding challenges and projects.
Grafiti – “The first search engine for graphs, charts, infographics, facts, insights & more.”
jGuru.com – “Your view of the Java universe.”
NOBIAS – “Nobias was founded in 2017 with a mission to promoting responsible/inclusive technology to protect consumers from deceptive or misleading content on the internet. Along the way, we hope to help people understand the landscape of media bias and to give them the power over the algorithms that shape what they read and see online.”
Quickbrowse.com – a web-based service that let’s users combine multiple sites inside a single, fast-to-scroll page for faster viewing.
Techfino – NetSuite – “NetSuite is the #1 cloud software solution, delivering accounting/Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Professional Services Automation (PSA) and eCommerce to over 20,000 clients worldwide.”
Whatsapp Status – “Get latest and unique whatsapp status quotes in English and Hindi. All Attitude · attitude quotes · attitude status · Attitude status in hindi.”