Net Usage Statistics

An estimated 3.9 billion Internet users worldwide. This accounts for more than half of the global population, with China having the biggest online population at 829 million users, followed by India at 560 million and the United States at 293 million
  1. America’s Most Wired Cities – Internet Industry Almanac
  2. Bandwidth Speed Test (1)
  3. Bandwidth Speed Test (2)
  4. BUBL – Catalogue of Internet Resources
  5. CyberAtlas – The Web Marketer’s Guide to Online Facts
  6. eMarketer – “World’s Leading Provider of Internet Statistics”
  7. Forrester Research – “Forrester is a leading independent research firm that analyzes the future of technology change and its impact on businesses, consumers, and society.”
  8. Internet Traffic Report – “The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world.”
  9. StatMarket – Real Time Internet Usage by Browser, Operating System, Domain, etc.
  10. Statistics Toolbox – CyberAtlas
  11. WWW User Survey – Georgia Institute of Technology
  12. Yahoo Internet Stats & Demographics