100 Top Kid Sites– 100 Hand Picked Top Kid Sites.
ALFY – ALFY describes itself as a Web portal for kids. The idea is to encourage children ages 3-10 to explore the Web by clicking on pictures instead of words. And it comes with a big assortment of online games.
Awesome Library – Awesome Library organizes the Web with 24,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids – site introduces children to how the government works. It covers the U.S. Constitution, how laws are made, the branches of government, and citizenship.
Carlos’ Coloring Book
Children’s Literature Web Guide
Children’s Museum – San Francisco Exploratorium
Coloring.com – Select a picture, choose your color from the Crayon box, click the area of the picture, and–voila–you’ve colored that area perfectly, without a stray mark. And when you’re finished, you can e-mail your creation to anyone on the Internet
.CyberKids – “Kids’ll Love It!”
Dear Karly: Advice for Kids and Teens – “This week’s featured question and answer. Post a comment and give feedback. Ask Karly your own question.”
Dinosauria Online – reference information, drawings, articles, maps and links to other sites about dinosaurs
Disney Online – “The official home for all things Disney.”
Dr. Seuss’s Seussvile! – “The Cat in the Hat, Sam-I-Am,Horton and the Whos, and the rest of the Seuss characters welcome you to Seussville, Dr. Seuss’s playground in cyberspace. You can play games, chat with the Cat in the Hat, win prizes, find out about new Dr. Seuss books and CD-ROMs, and much, much more! What are you waiting for? Let’s play!”
ExtremeKids.com – Kids-Links from education to games.
Fact Monster – Includes searchable information related to sports, entertainment, geography, history, biography, education, and health.
FirstGov for Kids – This site was developed and is maintained by the Federal Consumer Information Center. It provides links to Federal kids’ sites along with some of the best kids’ sites from other organizations all grouped by subject.
Internet Public Library: KidsSpace – Children resources.
KidsKonnect.com – a safe Internet gateway for kids…created and maintained by educators.
KidLinkKid Info – starting point which allows students, teachers, and parents to spend quality time on the web.
KidSites.com – ‘The best kid sites on the Web.’
Kids on the Web
Kids Law – “Kids Law section provide Guide to Legal Process Involving Kids, kid legal definition, child custody and other legal issue involving kids.”
Kids’ Money – A resource for parents interested in helping their children develop successful money management habits and financial responsibility
Kids Online Resources
Little Explorers – a website that lets preschoolers and elementary school students surf the web easily. Children use a picture dictionary format to link to over 400 carefully chosen, fun educational activities
Make and Takes – “Kids crafts, activities, and more. Find fun and easy kids crafts, games, and activities to do with your youngsters. Help cultivate creativity and learning with crafts for kids of all ages.”
NASA Kids – Designed for students from Kindergarten to 8th grade, this site has sections on Space and Beyond; Rockets and Airplanes; Projects and Games; and Pioneers and Astronauts. Loads of child-friendly information on a myriad of scientific and technical subjects, such as space, space suits, living in space, sundials, weather, the water cycle, careers, and astronomy.
Neuroscience for Kids
PBS Kids: Science Games – “PBS KIDS Science Games encourage kids to explore early science concepts and reinforce skills such as measurement, categorization, and observation.”
Sesame Street – Sesame Workshop’s (formerly CTW) official site contains free games and print-off activities, featuring the show’s main characters. Parenting section includes advice and tips on parenting your child from a baby until they’ve become a toddler, as well as child-friendly recipes.
Science: Fun Science for Kids – “A place for kids to learn science in a fun way.”
WWW Roller Coaster Compendium
World Almanac for Kids
YoungBiz.com – presents business, investing and entrepreneurial ideas toyoung people. With features for teachers as well as students, the site includes portfolios, profiles of young entrepreneurs, message boards and more.