- All-Movie Guide
- American Film Institute OnLine Cinema
- Anna Karenina – stills, video clips and production notes from the latest adaptation of Tolstoy’s classic romance.
- Budomate Magazine – “Your daily dose of action movies. The leading voice of kung fu film news, trailers, reviews and exclusive interviews.”
- Cannes International Film Festival – site features the 50 year history of “cinema’s prestigious competition” — a decade-by-decade look at the event in the context of what was happening in the world at the time.
- Cinema – How are Hollywood Films Made? – an interactive detailed exhibit of the process from screenwriting through final cut. Another of the Annenberg/CPB Projects.
- Cinema Dermatology
- Cinema Sites
- cinematography.com – for the people behind the camera
- CineMedia – “the Internet’s Largest Film and Media Directory now with over 25,000 links”
- CrankyCritic – Film students can tell you what is good for you. Cranky tells you what is good to sit through. He also tells you enough about himself that you’ll be able to tell if your taste and his are compatible.
- Disney.com
- Dolby Labs – “Excellent Site on all Aspects of Movies”
- Drew’s Scripts-O-Rama – the most comprehensive index of movie and television scripts available on the Internet
- Film.Com
- Greatest Films, The – a unique website containing plot summaries (with actual film dialogue), review commentary with emphasis on story content and historical background, and hundreds of colorful, vintage film posters for some of the best Hollywood and American classic films in the last century.
- Here Are the New Movies You Can Watch on Demand at Home – Here are the films that are either cutting their exclusive theater runs short and migrating to digital early, or are skipping the cinema altogether.
- Hollywood Network
- Hollywood Online
- Humphrey Bogart Page, The
- IMAX – “Bigger than your imagination.”
- Internet Movie Database, The
- Internet Archive: Movie Collection – This collection contains movies that the Prelinger Archives has digitized (about 956 now online) and donated to the Internet Archive. The films focus mainly on everyday life, culture, industry, and institutions in North America in the 20th century.
- MGM Home Site
- Miramax Cafe
- Movie Cliches List, The
- Movie Crazy – A website by Leonard Maltin for ‘People Who Love Movies.’ Reviews, pictures, articles, etc.
- Movie Emporium, The
- Movie Mistakes – if you love movies, you love to find mistakes in them.
- Movie Review Query Engine
- Movie Reviews – Washington Post
- Movie Sounds Page, The
- MovieFone.com -“Source for movie info, showtimes, previews, and tickets”
- Movies.com
- MovieWeb
- Mr. Showbiz 100 Best Movies of All Time – Rotten Tomatoes: Movie Reviews & Previews – Site offers more than 87,000 titles and 200,000 movie review and preview links from the nation’s top print and online film critics.
- Rotten Tomatoes: 250 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now, Ranked by Tomatometer – In our world of massive entertainment options, who’s got time to waste on the below-average? You’ve got a subscription, you’re ready for a marathon, and you want only the best movies on Netflix to watch. With thousands of choices on the platform, both original and studio acquired, we’ve found the 250 top Netflix movies, using our critic-approved Tomatometer to guide us!
- Shortcut to the Movies
- Sony Pictures
- The Oscars – The Academy Awards, more popularly known as the Oscars, are awards for artistic and technical merit in the film industry.
- The Ringer: The 25 Most Anticipated Movies of 2020 – “It’s an annual tradition to spend the first few weeks of January chewing over the previous year’s movies while looking ahead to the prestige releases of spring, summer, and fall.”
- Universal Studios Florida
- Warner Bros. Home Page
- Warner Bros. Movie Page
- Walt Disney Home Page
- Yahoo! Movies
Daily 100, The – this game doles out one-liners from familiar films for prizes.
Godfather Trilogy, The
Jerry Lewis Comedy Museum and Store – did you know that he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?
Oliver Stone