- AdoptioNetwork, The
- Amore on the Net
- Animal Lovers Personals – Meet the animal lover of your dreams and make friends with people from all over through our chat rooms, discussion boards and video personals.
- Divorce Page, The
- DivorceInfo – Lots of tools to help you stay in control and get through your divorce.
- Flirt – FLIRT makes meeting people easier. A club for online romance, unbashed chats, interactive fun, advice and opinions
- Internet Personals
- Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
- Love and Romance
- Match.Com
- Single Life, The – “The most complete Source on the Internet for Singles Related Information.”
- Weddings Online – Wedding Toast Generator
Divorce Online
JudysHighHeels.com: Inspiration with Style – “An inspirational website for Women to Embrace, Empower, Inspire and Enjoy – Women Connecting Women with High Heels!”
SinglesCoach.com – “Resource for singles on the Internet, offering coaching, support, and education for finding and maintaining healthy relationships in your life. ”
WEB Personals – “Place personal ads on the Net”
- Acadian Genealogy Home Page
- AfriGeneas – African Ancestored Genealogy – “AfriGeneas provides leadership, promotion and advocacy for the mutual development and use of a system of genealogy resources for researching African related ancestry.”
- American-French Genealogical Society – The American-French Genealogical Society, is a genealogical and historical organization dedicated to the study and preservation of the French-Canadian culture.
- American Immigrant Wall of Honor, The – The wall celebrates American immigration from its earliest beginnings until today, and soon even more names will be added.
- Ancestral Findings – Birth, Census, Death, Land, Marriage, Military, Passenger, Immigration Lists and State Records Indexes and a chat room.
- Ancestry.com – search 240 million names in 1630 databases
- Ancestry Search – An Interactive Directory of over 400 Genealogy Surname Search Engines.
- Archives.com – “Trace your genealogy and family tree to learn more about your family’s history.”
- BaiCon Genealogy
- Behind the Name – the etymology and history of first names.
- BestLittleBaby.com – “BestLittleBaby.com has pregnancy resources and tons of fun ways to find the best baby name!”
- Cajuns, The – site for Cajun,Acadian,Creole and Louisiana genealogy, history and culture.
- Cemetery Junction – This site is about helping the genealogy community find information about their ancestors. Thousands of cemeteries listed.
- Cemetery Records on the Internet – The site is a resource of burial records and links to cemetery webpages. Browse over 2.8 million cemetery records across over 54,00 cemeteries worldwide online, all searchable. Special collections included veterans cemeteries and cemeteries flooded by dams.
- Censuslinks – Resources to help with your genealogy research with a database of 7102 links and 2955 categories.
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission – includes personal and service information for 1.7 million soldiers who died in the First and Second World Wars.
- Crestleaf – “Crestleaf is a free resource that includes over 90 Million ancestry records. Search for relatives and build a family tree with our genealogy database.”
- Cyndi’s Lists of Genealogy Sites on the Internet – “More than 264,550 links! 254,900 links, categorized & cross-referenced, in over 180 categories. Another 9,600+ uncategorized new links in the works.”
- Ellis Island Passenger Lists – Between 1892 and 1924 over 22 million passengers and members of ships’ crews came through Ellis Island and the Port of New York. Now you can research passenger records from ships that brought the immigrants – even see the original manifests with passengers’ names.
- Family Census
- FamilySearch.org “Discover your family history. Explore the world’s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.”
- Family Tree Maker Online
- Find a Grave – graves of noteworthy people
- Firstmom’s Genealogy Resources and Records – Has actual records as well as thousands of categorized links to other resources on the web and off.
- Genealogy Today
- Genealogy.com – “Genealogy.com is a source for family history buffs to find genealogical research originally posted in GenForum and our most popular genealogy articles. Start a search or browse below to start digging into your family’s past!”
- Genealogy Gateway
- Genealogy Register, The
- GeneaNet
- Geni – “Create your family tree and invite relatives to share. Search 100 million profiles and discover new ancestors. Share photos, videos and more at Geni.com.”
- GenSite
- Genwriters -This site is designed to help genealogists begin writing their family histories.
- History at Home: A Guide to Genealogy – “Through genealogy, researchers find out more about themselves and their families. The search may seem endless, as one piece of information leads to new stories, places, and people. Genealogy can improve lives by helping people identify and treat health risks. And genealogists hold a special spot in the hearts of their families. After all, genealogists know who to invite to the next family reunion.”
- Home Geneology guide for 2017
- Kansas Interactive Genealogy
- MyTrees.com – “Frustrated trying to find your ancestry? Search the world’s largest family tree archive of its kind.”
- Lineages – “Genealogy reference library and resource center built and maintained by professional genealogists who understand the needs of beginning researchers and experienced family historians.”
- LookupUK.com – “The Resource Centre for finding that Lost Friend or Relative in the UK.”
- London Ancestor – Genealogy & Local History in Greater London. A Journal of source data for Genealogy & Local History in Greater London.
- Mayflower Passenger List
- National Genealogical Society Home Page
- National Obituary Archive – This site offers a repository of obituaries and death records with more than 56 million individual entries on file.
- Obituarieshelp.org – Access newspaper obituaries and discover your genealogy online. Discover obituary resources like old newspaper obituaries archives and Download free genealogy forms and printable family tree charts.
- Obituary Daily Times – Search for over 4 million obituary death dates (full-text obits not included) from nearly 2,000 publications around the United States. Entries typically include name, age, city of residence, source of obit, and death date.
- Online Searchable Death Indexes & Records – This website gathers together links to online death indexes by state and county. Included are death indexes, obituary indexes, probate indexes and cemetery & burial listings.
- Political Graveyard, The – “The Web Site That Tells Where the Dead Politicians are Buried”
- Popular Baby Names – The Social Security Admin. publishes popular baby names as new data become available. In the top 1000 names per decade list, names are limited to births in the U.S.A. Unless stated otherwise, all other lists are from all Social Security applications, whether the birth occurred in the U.S. or elsewhere. Children born to U.S. military personnel, diplomats, tourists, and citizens working overseas are included as long as a Social Security number application is made.
- ROOTS-L Home Page – Information on genealogical resources found at U.S. archives and libraries, including the Library of Congress. Includes Revolutionary War and other military records, as well as state by state genealogical resources.
- Relationship Terms – Sometimes, especially when working on your family history, it’s handy to know how to describe your family relationships more exactly. This site helps you understand lesser known relationship terms such as ‘second cousin’ and ‘first cousin, once removed.’
- Researching Your Roots – Researching your roots can be a lifelong project. With so many records and resources, it’s not easy to find a starting point. While every family history follows a different path, there are general guidelines that every beginner should know. The site summaries these guidelines.
- Rootsweb – The website of the genealogical data co-operative offers several different services to the genealogical community, including web-page hosting, search indexes and registries. This site tries to offer links to actual information, not just links to links.the British royal family, American presidents, and other notables. Includes a database and information on doing genealogical research on the Internet.
- Social Security Death Master File (fee-based)
- State by state Vital Records Links – This site has links to every State and instructions on ordering vital record info such as birth, marriage, divorce and death records.
- Surname Distribution Maps – “Sometimes it is possible to guess where a surname originated through surname distribution maps. These maps graphically display locations where surnames occurred at different periods in time.”
- SurnameSearch.com – Genealogy Surname Research in The United States And Worldwide.
- SurnameWeb – The Genealogy Web Portal – The largest surname site on the web, search from over 1 BILLION persons! Now featuring 70,000 links to over 32,000 surnames; and over 2,200 one-name studies.
- UK + Ireland Genealogy – Comprehensive site covering genealogy and family history in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Includes an introduction to genealogy, information on getting started, hints for working from outside the U.K., a calendar of events, and continually growing databases organized by country, county, parish, and district.
- USGenWeb Archives – US Genealogy, census, marriage, wills
- Vital Records – This site contains information about where to obtain vital records such as birth, death & marriage certificates and divorce decrees from each state, territory and county of the United States.
- What’s in Your Name?
- Where to Write for Vital Records – The links on this National Center for Health Statistics site provide you with direct access to individual State and territory information. To use this valuable tool, you must first determine the State or area where the birth, death, marriage, or divorce occurred, then click on that State or area.
- Who’s Alive and Who’s Dead – the site that helps you keep track of which famous people have died and which are still alive!
- WorldGenWeb Project, The – “The goal of the WorldGenWeb Project is to have every country in the world represented by an online website and hosted by researchers who either live in their own country or who are familiar with their country’s resources.”
- YourFamily.com – genealogy and family member resources