- #1 Songs: 1930-1999 – Find lyrics of most of the songs that hit #1 over that musically rich span of time from 1930 to 1999. Search by year, artist or title.
- 8notes.com – Over 1500 free sheet music pieces and riffs.
- All About Jazz – “A Magazine by Jazz Fans for Jazz Fans”
- All-Music Guide – database of recorded music
- Andrew Lloyd Webber Interactive Web Site
- J.S. Bach Picture Archive
- The Internet Beatles Album
- Leonard Bernstein
- Billboard Online
- Blue Highway, The – For blues fans
- Blues Directory – Directory style collection of more than 2,200 blues links, organized in categories like bands and artists, festivals, lyrics and tabs, clubs, record labels, blues societies, radio programs, sound files, etc.
- Bluestraveler
- Benten Sound – “A decentralized platform for completely free stock music for your videos. “
- bobdylan.com – complete lists of his songs and albums, and a searchable archive of all of his lyrics
- Chordify – “Chordify is an online music education service – made for and by music enthusiasts – that transforms music from YouTube, Deezer, SoundCloud, or your private collection into chords. Our service automatically recognizes chords from an audio signal and aligns them to the music in a simple and intuitive player. Chordify uses cutting-edge technology to help both novice and trained musicians play the music they want to play.”
- CNET Music Center – site helps users learn about and use digital music technology effectively.
- Harry Chapin Home Page
- Ray Charles Online – official site of “both a national treasure and an international phenomenon.”
- Classical Music Archives – tens of thousands of music files in MIDI, WMA and MP3 formats.
- Classical Music Home Page
- Classical Music Navigator – Sites offers information on over 444 composers as well as material on classical types of music.
- Classical USA: Classical Music on the Web
- eLyrics.net: Song Lyrics – “One of the largest song lyrics destination on the net, providing access to more than 700,000 lyrics from around 40,000 artists/bands since 2000. All our content are updated or submitted by our visitors. You can either browse our lyrics database or use our Google powered search engine to find song lyrics with just a small portion of lyrics you remember or heard on the radio or by simply an artist name, song name.”
- EMusic
- e-recored fair.com – “Buy, Sell,Trade Vinyl Records, CD’s, cassettes and Music DVDs. You can also trade your Records with e-Record Fair users. Make deals directly with Collectors / Sellers worldwide.”
- ezFolk – An online study guide for learning how to play guitar and the banjo. Site currently contains over 300 pages of tablature, tutorials, and more.
- Folklib Index – A Library of Folk Music Links.
- Folkmusic.org
- Forte Music Notation Software – “Created by musicians for musicians, Forte is a unique and easy to use score writing software for everyday musicians, teachers and choir leaders. If you are looking for a tool that fits your needs, is easy to use and affordable, Forte is perfect for you! Start writing scores today.”
- Harry’s Blues Lyrics Online – site lists lyrics of over 2,500 blues songs, arranged by artist and title, with Real Audio soundclips provided for approximately half of the entries. In addition, the site provides information on guitar tabs and chords, and blues history.
- Historic American Sheet Music – Duke University Collection
- House of Blues
- Jazz: A History of America’s Music – The companion site to the PBS file ‘Jazz’ by Ken Burns. This page features biographies of nearly 100 premiere artists in the field of jazz music, from Louis Armstrong to Lester Young.
- Jazz Guitar Online
- Jazz Improvisation Primer – “This is the online version of my text, A Jazz Improvisation Primer. Here you can find information on almost every topic relating to jazz improvisation, from jazz history to music theory to practical advice on playing in a group.”
- Jazz Reviews – Quick reviews of the latest jazz releases, audio clips and a “jazzography” section of artists on film. Jazz Review is eager to show you why it is that jazz makes the world go ’round.
- Lovely Music – music by Robert Ashley, John Cage, Meredith Monk, Pauline Oliveros, and your other favorite avant-garde composers.
- Lyrichord Discs Inc. – information on over 160 traditional World and Early Music recordings, artists, complete liner notes, artist bios, articles & interviews reprinted, lists of suggested further reading on various World and Early music topics.
- Lyrics.com – lyrics to hundreds of songs listed by artist
- Learn Guitar with Fender – Fender is giving the first 100,000 users who create a new account on Fender Play three months of free online lessons. The instructional videos led by talented musicians are high-quality, and you can access them from your phone, tablet, or computer. And if you don’t have a guitar at home, the program also includes lessons for bass guitars and ukuleles.
- LyricSearch.com – a search engine for lyrics; search by artist, song, album name or lyric.
- Lyrics: Rock, Metal and Aternative Bands – This site contains rock lyrics from 60s up to the present day.
- Lyrics Search Engine – lyrics to songs listed by artist or title.
- Joni Mitchell Home Page
- Mingus, Charles – 1922-1979 – “the official site of the Mingus Web, devoted to the work of jazz composer and bassist Charles Mingus.”
- Modern Drummer Online
- Mouse Jam
- Mozart Project, The – site contains biographical information, extensive composition lists, essays by Mozart scholars, and more.
- MuchMusic
- Musescore – “Create, play back and print beautiful sheet music with free and easy to use music notation software MuseScore.”
- Music Dictionary Online – Our Music Dictionary Online explains words and terms you may meet when reading musical scores, books about music or program notes on CDs or at concerts. We have made it more comprehensive, by providing copious links to supplementary material in our own Music Theory Online resource, our Musical e-Monographs and external websites.
- Music Song Lyrics
- Mutopia – site is similar in spirit to Project Gutenburg, but consists of a growing collection of free music available for download and printing.
- New Musical Express – NME.Com – the British music mag goes online.
- New York Rock
- Operabase – site hosts a database of 500 opera houses and festivals, searchable by keyword or browseable alphabetically (with numerous display options) or via clickable maps.
- Past Perfect
- Public Domain Music – A reference site to help the ordinary person identify public domain songs and public domain music . . . royalty free music you can use anywhere and any way you choose.
- Planet Garth – the unofficial Internet Site of Garth Brooks
- Radio Garden – “Tired of tuning in to the same old radio station every single day? It’s time to introduce you to an international radio station website known as Radio Garden. This garden is your stairway to music heaven as you will be able to tune in to almost any radio station from anyone in the world. All you need to do is open the website and spin the globe.”
- Red Hot Jazz Archive – A history of Jazz before 1930 – Multimedia site providing audio and video clips for the music that gave the Jazz Age its name. There are biographical entries for bands and individual musicians, and sections containing bibliography and scholarly essays.
- RhythmWeb
- Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame
- Rock Around the World – Music industry online magazine
- Rolling Stone Magazine
- Rolling Stones – The Official Rolling Stones Web Site
- Santana – official Web site
- Sibelius Academy Music Resources
- Sinatra Family Album
- Smithsonian Jazz – A jazz portal intended to preserve and promote one of America’s greatest art forms: jazz.
- SongFile – lyrics to songs listed by artist
- Sousa, John Phillip, Home Page
- Sub Pop
- Spotify Playlists for Pets – “Get a playlist for your pet based on music you love.”
- Sound Scape – The immersive music visualizer that lets you build your own beats.
- Technobeat Archives – world music reviews from the pages of The Beat.
- This Day in Country Music.com – “On this day in country music, provides information on country musicians who where born on this day, like country recordings, country gigs, country musician deaths, country chart positions and significant country music events on this day. The site is updated daily with events from all the major country music artists.”
- Three Dog Night – the band that brought Joy to the World.
- Tower Records
- Ultimate Band List, The
- Vintage Jazz Bands on the Internet – Over 360 bands are represented from several different countries.
- www.maniacs.com
- World Radio Map – “World Radio Map is a website that lists AM/FM radio stations by their real broadcasting frequencies and enables you to tune in directly from your browser, with no download required. It’s also a place to find information about main transmitters and towers’ basic technical data and many radio-related links. World Radio Map covers all the major cities of the world, from Chicago to Acapulco, from Frankfurt to Johannesburg, from Moscow to Tel Aviv, from Shanghai to Melbourne … Now you can listen online all radio stations from these cities and thousands more from all over the World for free!”
- ZDNet Music – digital music news, discussions, and downloads.
Dance Music Resource Pages
Grand Ole Opry – The official home page for the 75-year old Country and Western music program, begun on radio in 1925 and broadcast now on both radio and television from Nashville.
Jack’s Harmonica Page
Nashville Demo Works – “Nashville Demo Works. We help pro and amateur writers record and produce professional demos and master recordings of their songs they’ve written.”
Radiooooo – RADIOOOOO is the wonderful musical time machine that allows you to travel through space and time! Pick a country, pick a decade, and let yourself get carried away by the most beautiful musical collection in the world!
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